Be kind to your body
"If at the age of 30, you are stiff and out of shape, you are old. If at 60, you are supple and strong, then you are young" ~ Joseph Pilates
Whole new body…
"In 10 sessions you will feel the difference. In 20 sessions you will see the difference. And in 30 you'll be on your way to having a whole new body." ~ Joseph Pilates
Reformer Pilates
The Reformer is famous for it’s versatility and can be used intelligently to target every muscle in the body. It is extremely adaptable and can benefit everyone, from the sports athlete looking to improve their strength, agility and control to the injured or elderly who need to strengthen specific muscles whilst being supported by the machine. Click this link to see an example of the Reformer in action:

Benefits of Pilates
If practiced regularly, Pilates will:
Help correct postural problems
Boost core and overall strength without unwanted bulk
Enhance balance, co-ordination and circulation
Increase stability, mobility and flexibility
Heighten body awareness
Provide relief from aches and pains
Decrease impact on joints
Improve athletic and function fitness
Help prevent injury
STOTT PILATES exercises will leave you looking toned, feeling revitalised and moving with ease.
Built upon proven therapeutic foundations, STOTT PILATES® can be incorporated into injury rehabilitation and prevention programs.
The benefits of Pilates when applied therapeutically include:
developing balance between strength and mobility
increasing core stability and peripheral mobility
boosting neuromuscular awareness, balance and coordination
improving posture and alignment of the skeleton
As a practical, restorative exercise, Pilates is suited for most people as they progress through the rehabilitative process.

Athletic Conditioning
Pilates is a great way to improve strength, mobility, power, agility and endurance – this makes it ideal for functional fitness training but also sports conditioning for highly fit athletes.
The STOTT PILATES® athletic conditioning programming will:
Help maximise performance
Improve balance and coordination
Boost power and strength
We’ll help take your athletic performance to the next level in any sport and help you to fulfill your physical potential.
about me
Justine Davidson
Justine trained with the Canadian based STOTT Pilates method in London. She came to Pilates after attending Pilates classes as a student for quite a few years. Initially, Justine attended mat and reformer classes in Dubai, where she picked up the “pilates bug”! After being a “keen bean” and Pilates enthusiast for 11 years, her love and sheer enjoyment of Pilates lead her to becoming a teacher. She has always been fascinated by how effective it is as an exercise form and has enjoyed seeing the results in her clients as well as herself. Her classes, like her, are warm, inviting and fun… but they’re definitely not easy! She loves challenging her clients and watching them grow into stronger, more flexible, more confident versions of themselves!

STOTT PILATES® Certified Instructor